PAM is Polyacrylamide

PAM is Polyacrylamide

PAM is polyacrylamide. The product modality of PAM are mainly divided into colloidal, powdery and emulsive, it can also be classified by its ions carried, i.e. non-ion, anion, cation and amphoteric io···

The performance and storage method of polyaluminum chloride

The performance and storage method of polyaluminum chloride

  The performance and storage method of polyaluminum chloride in actual use.  Polyaluminum chloride has better adsorption and coagulation effects in actual use. Favored by the majority of users, ···

Methods to use and features of Polyaluminum Chloride

Methods to use and features of Polyaluminum Chloride

- 1, When it is used for the treatment of various high and medium turbidity source water, especially for the purification of high turbidity water. It forms fast, large alum blooms, and is easy to sett···

Attentions for opeation and storage of polyaluminium chloride

Attentions for opeation and storage of polyaluminium chloride

Operation and Storage Notes for Polyaluminium Chloride(PAC)   - 1. In operation, the water purification process of polyaluminum chloride is generally divided into three stages. These three stages are ···

What is the difference between the six colors of polyaluminum chloride?

What is the difference between the six colors of polyaluminum chloride?

The polyaluminum chloride sold in the market is more complicated, because each manufacturer has different production processes and raw materials, and the colors produced are also somewhat different. G···

Why can polyaluminum chloride treat sewage?

Why can polyaluminum chloride treat sewage?

The coagulation principle of polyaluminum chloride, you will find why it works.  1, compressed electric double layer  The structure of the micelle electric double layer determines the concentration of···

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